jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

Aldo Rodríguez: Adult Education and Formative Assessment

On 26th May 2011 Aldo Rodríguez came to our province and presented Formative Assessment for the teachers of English and Adult Education for all the teachers that work in the night shift in Rocha.

lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

Acreditación- certificates

On 5th April we received all the students that had passed the Accreditation exam last year. Rosana Longo talked to the students and their families. They were happy with their certificates!

lunes, 13 de junio de 2011


Our supervisor Shirley Romano visited us. We worked about the following topics: diagnostic tests, oral presentations, online resources and critical thinking.

sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010

English week

English Week in Rocha

Teachers and students prepared the English Week last October. They worked a lot and enjoyed preparing it.

viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

Liceo 3 Rocha

This year we had a differentiated group at liceo 3 in Rocha. As they went to an immersion school, we wanted to continue with their studies. We had a lot of help, from the Headteacher Nelly Dominici, the teacher Jorge Ragazzo and the students' families. They used the books suggested by Inspección. The teacher was highly pleased with the results. One day they worked with my students, the students said that they liked the experience.

PAD Aldo Rodríguez

Aldo visited us twice, in May and in July.

He shared information about Critical Thinking and Strategies. Teachers liked it a lot.

Thanks Aldo!